A few home remedies to get rid of jaundice

By | April 21, 2021

Your liver processes everything you eat and drink. It helps your body take in nutrients from food and turn them into energy. Your liver also moves toxins and old, damaged blood cells out of the body. When this process is disrupted, it can cause the waste product bilirubin to build up. This can result in jaundice.

What you eat and drink has a direct impact on your liver function. Eating a healthy diet allows your liver to work more efficiently and clear excess toxins from your body. This can help clear your symptoms and reduce your risk for future episodes of jaundice.

Keep reading to learn how you can modify your diet to help relieve your symptoms.

Quick tips

  • Drink at least eight glasses of fluids per day. Water and herbal tea are excellent options.
  • Consider adding milk thistle to your routine. You can prepare a fresh tea or eat the seeds as a snack.
  • Opt for fruits like papaya and mango, which are rich in digestive enzymes.
  • Eat at least 2 1/2 cups of veggies and 2 cups of fruit per day.
  • Look for high-fiber foods, such as oatmeal, berries, and almonds.

A balanced diet consisting of all five food groups can help support liver health and reduce jaundice. The United States Department of Agriculture’s MyPlate is a good model to use.

That said, there are certain foods and beverages that have a proven effect on liver health. Adding these into your diet or increasing their intake may significantly reduce your symptoms and boost overall health. This includes:

A few home remedies to get rid of jaundice