Tag Archives: health care

A Tip to Whiten The Face and Shine Like a Diamond

Dark, dull and pigmented skin can be caused by a lot of factors such as overexposure to the sun, pollution, poor lifestyle choices, medical condition, or even stress. Fair and flawless skin complexion is a dream many girls have and is no dearth of skin-lightening creams and lotions out there in the market.But prolonged use of chemical-based cosmetic… Read More »

The Benefits of Radish In Winter

Come winter, and our hearts crave mooli ke paranthe, salads, pickles and what not. Not only is this root veggie in season in winters–so you can get the best quality–but it has also been a part of how we live and eat during this season. So, while we’re sure you’ve been bingeing on mooli or radish-filled dishes, you probably didn’t know… Read More »

Beard Water Relieves joint Pain

Arthritis refers to a range of conditions that involve pain and inflammation in the joints. e Is it a degenerative condition, which means the symptoms tend to worsen over time, or is it an autoimmune type of arthritis with associated extra-articular symptoms, characterized by inflammatory flares and a chronic clinical course? These two types of arthritis include osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis… Read More »

The unique benefits of Amlok fruit

Originally from China, persimmon trees have been grown for thousands of years for their delicious fruit and beautiful wood. Their orange-colored fruits called persimmons are known for their sweet, honey-like flavor. While hundreds of types exist, the Hachiya and Fuyu varieties are among the most popular. The heart-shaped Hachiya persimmons are astringent, meaning they are very high in… Read More »

Try the Prescription, The Stone Will Disappear

Pain in your back or side, blood in your urine and nausea/vomiting alongside the pain are symptoms of a kidney stone or stones. Most kidney stones are about the size of a chickpea, but they can also be as small as a grain of sand and as large as a golf ball. Small stones can pass through your… Read More »

Treatment of 4 Diseases for Rs. 50

This mazing tip is useful for all kinds of hepatitis, constipation, disorder in blood circulation and pimples on body etc. When “Z” felt ill then he tried this tip and got healed by the grace of almighty Allah. Prevention is must while using this tip. Method of Preparation:Get branches of afsanteen fro around Rs. 50 from a desi… Read More »

A Great tip for keeping your Baby Healthy and fat Fresh

Everyone loves a chubby baby — there’s something about a roly-poly belly and thighs that is completely adorable. “Baby fat” is something people don’t worry about. Not only do we think of it as cute, we think of it as healthy — and temporary. Unfortunately, it’s not healthy or temporary. Which is why parents need to be mindful… Read More »

Apply Mustard Oil on Nails to Get Rid of 6 Terrible Diseases

Cut nails of feet and hands every 2nd or 3rd day even if they are small and apply mustard oil on them. It strengthens and improves memory, relieves nervous weakness and avoids premature senility. It strengthens knees and joints and the best cure for weak eyesight. It positively affects heart and brain and gives amazing youth and energetic… Read More »

Apply a Sweet Paste on the Burned Area to Get Rid of the Burning Sensation

Whether you burn your hand on a pan of cookies, spend too much time in the sun, or spill hot coffee on your lap, burns are certainly not pleasant. Unfortunately, burns are one of the most common household injuries.Burns are categorized by their severity. A first-degree burn is considered the least severe because it only affects the outer layer of skin.… Read More »

Pure Berry Honey Benefits For Your Health

Honey is produced by bees who pollinate the flowers of the black locust tree, native to North America and Europe.It’s said to boast several health benefits, which are likely attributed to its high antioxidant content.This article reviews the nutrition, benefits, uses, and potential downsides of acacia honey. What is acacia honey? Acacia honey is derived from the nectar… Read More »