A Great tip for keeping your Baby Healthy and fat Fresh

By | September 4, 2021

Everyone loves a chubby baby — there’s something about a roly-poly belly and thighs that is completely adorable. “Baby fat” is something people don’t worry about. Not only do we think of it as cute, we think of it as healthy — and temporary.

Unfortunately, it’s not healthy or temporary. Which is why parents need to be mindful of their baby’s weight.

It used to be that baby fat was indeed healthy and temporary. In days when infant mortality was high, a little heft meant some extra reserves for the baby.

And until recently, most children lost their baby fat once they got old enough to be active outside. But modern medicine has made babies far more likely to survive

and modern technology and other societal factors have made children far more likely to be sedentary. The reality is that baby fat turns into child fat, which turns into adult fat.

A great tip for keeping your baby healthy and fat fresh