Tag Archives: health care

Grapefruit Juice and Some Drugs Don’t Mix

Grapefruit juice and grapefruit can be part of a healthy diet. Grapefruit has vitamin C and potassium, nutrients your body needs to work properly. Grapefruit juice and grapefruit can affect the way your medicines work, and that food and drug interaction can be a concern. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has required that some prescription and over-the-counter… Read More »

Instant Detox Diet: Lose Weight and Cleanse Your Body

Your body has sophisticated ways of getting rid of toxins that include the liver, kidneys, digestive system, skin, and lungs. As compiled by eatthis.com, there are a few foods, some of which are cooking in your mom’s kitchen that have excellent slimming properties. So save these detoxes drinks and try them instead. Lose weight and cleanse your body… Read More »

Delicious Ways to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

London: For anyone struggling with excess weight and type 2 diabetes, this low-carb plan part of the Mail’s Good Health for Life series could be life-transforming. Here, Dr. David Unwin the NHS GP behind it explains how the plan works, while chef and food writer Katie Caldesi gives low-carb recipes, written exclusively for you, that take less than… Read More »

Heal Emotional and Spiritual Pain with the Natural Medicine of the Rose

How many people die every day or become sick because of emotional suffering? How many kill themselves or sink into despair because of emotional pain? Even with all their chemicals and theories when has any doctor or psychologist actually cured the emotional suffering of a person? Yet a cure exists, and it is free and totally healthy, with… Read More »

What Is Rose Water

Rose water is created by distilling rose petals with steam. Rose water is fragrant, and it’s sometimes used as a mild natural fragrance as an alternative to chemical-filled perfumes. Rose water has been used for thousands of years, including in the Middle Ages. It’s thought to have originated in what is now Iran. It’s been used traditionally in… Read More »

Big cardamom! Know its benefits and how to use it

Cardamom comes from the seeds of several different plants that belong to the same family as ginger. It has a distinctive flavor that complements both sweet and savory dishes. People may use cardamom seeds and pods in curries, desserts, and meat dishes, as well as in beverages, such as coffee and chai tea. People may purchase cardamom as: Researchers have conducted… Read More »

Hot Coconut Water

Drinking hot coconut water can provide the body with many necessary nutrients, and at the same time prevent and support to reverse some disease risks. However, to achieve optimal health benefits and avoid side effects, you should drink heated coconut water properly in the right dosage. 1. What are the benefits of drinking hot coconut water? Drinking hot… Read More »

Homemade Tips For Heat Grains

Looking for a DIY craft, that is both useful and uses Ontario grains? Look no further than our Homemade Heating Pads that can be warmed up in the microwave! Supplies Directions To use your Homemade Heating Pads, simply heat in the microwave for the desired amount of time, no more than 3 minutes. Place onto the body, but… Read More »

50 Natural Ways to Fix Every Common Health Problem

How many types of tea are there Losing weight is no easy feat. However, a few tips and tricks can help to speed up the process alongside a healthy diet and daily exercise. In fact, there is a myriad of vitamins and minerals to help improve weight loss regimes that you might not even know about. Health experts… Read More »