Tag Archives: health care

Pcos Treatment Tumor Treatment

Diagnosis There’s no test to definitively diagnose PCOS. Your doctor is likely to start with a discussion of your medical history, including your menstrual periods and weight changes. A physical exam will include checking for signs of excess hair growth, insulin resistance and acne.Your doctor might then recommend: A pelvic exam. The doctor visually and manually inspects your reproductive… Read More »

Two ways to find out the cause of infertility

In order for a couple to become pregnant, at least four things have to happen: A woman must produce and release a healthy egg from one of her ovaries (ovulation). A man must produce viable sperm which can successfully fertilize the woman’s egg (fertilization). The egg must travel through a fallopian tube toward the uterus (transportation). The fertilized… Read More »

Health Benefits Of Basil Seeds

You may have conveniently skipped or unconsciously missed these nutrient-dense seeds on the supermarket aisle, but not anymore. You’re going to discover some amazing sabja seed benefits, also known as sweet basil, Falooda seed or Turkmaria seed. Wondering what these black seeds are? The basil plant is native to India. It is also called sweet basil but is different… Read More »

Eat This And Cure All Diseases

While many of those diseases sound inevitable, in fact, they are preventable, with the help of foods that boost immunity. Below, Eat This, Not That! has rounded up the best-ever foods for certain diseases—eat them and live a longer, happier life.A recent American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study of more than 200,000 people found that a higher consumption of the fruits—rich in… Read More »

Treat Anemia Deficiency At Home|khoon ki kami Ka Ilaj

Do you feel constantly fatigued? Or has your skin been pale and dull recently? May be rest is not all that you need. Anemia is a condition where your body is low on red blood cells. Healthy red blood cells are the main part of haemoglobin in your blood that binds the oxygen. This simply means that if you… Read More »

What happens if you eat chia seeds daily?

What happens if you eat chia seeds daily? Skin Whitening Supplement | Skin Whitening TabletsSkin Whitening Potato Soap.The method of praying on the first Friday of Ramadan.you think eating in between the meals is bad for your health, well; you might be wrong. Snacking is not bad after all, but it depends on what snacks you are eating… Read More »

How To Remove Hair From Face

Facial hair in women,’ the idea we shrug off as a topic too gross to even discuss openly, actually is a pretty natural phenomenon. All women have body and facial hair, but facial hair is usually light coloured and fine in nature. However, for some women, the hair growth is extensive and coarse. This is because of the… Read More »

21 Days Challenge Grow your hair Faster and GET SHINY HAIR,SILKY HAIR NATURALLY

It’s hard not to feel envious when you see someone with long and luscious locks. More so, when you find out that they were born with hair that gorgeous while you are stuck with hair that is dull and rough. Frizzy, unmanageable hair that lacks shine is not uncommon among Indian women. However, a lot of women don’t… Read More »