How To Remove Hair From Face

By | May 1, 2020

Facial hair in women,’ the idea we shrug off as a topic too gross to even discuss openly, actually is a pretty natural phenomenon. All women have body and facial hair, but facial hair is usually light coloured and fine in nature. However, for some women, the hair growth is extensive and coarse. This is because of the secretion of higher-than-normal levels of androgens, including testosterone.

You must also know that all women produce androgens, but in controlled levels. In some conditions, the secretion surpasses the normal levels, often developing other male characteristics too.

When there is excessive hair growth amongst women, the condition is called hirsutism, which could be caused by Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) or an adrenal gland disorder like adrenal cancer or tumour.

However, in most of the times, it is not the case of an adrenal disorder that requires calling for a medical intervention or surgery.The excessive facial hair growth can be greatly curtailed by this egg mask.

Not only is it sticky, which makes the mask stick to all your facial hair and help you peel the excess growth off once it is dry, but also nourishes your skin. Eggs are full of protein,

which infuses the collagen booster your skin needs after a long day. Just grab a bowl, take the egg white and mix it with a tablespoon of cornstarch and sugar. Keep beating until you get a smooth mixture. Apply the paste on your face, and let it stay for 15 to 20 minutes.

When the mask dries and is hard enough, peel it off quickly. Rinse your face with cold water after peeling. For best results, follow the regime at least twice a week,

however,the mask may not prove effective for acne prone people. It can result in clogging of pores and an increased risk of breakouts.(Also Read: 5 Effective Home Remedies For Cracked Heels)