Sudden A Man Heart Attack In A Singapore Theater

By | March 1, 2022

The elbow pit slapping method is based on traditional Chinese medicine belief that there are three acupressure (meridian) points around the left arm, that affects the heart and lungs.The idea is that slapping the left elbow pit, until it turns red, will restore qi (energy) and blood circulation to the heart and lungs.It also claims that slapping the left elbow pit on a daily basis can prevent heart disease, and reduce the risk of a heart attack.

People are sharing this message together with a video showing a man who apparently had a heart attack while watching a movie in a cinema.It’s a long message, so feel free to skip to the next section for the facts.

A Chinese sinseh (traditional doctor) can be seen in the video reviving the man by slapping his elbow pit for 2 minutes The video is being shared as evidence that the elbow pit slapping method really works in reviving patients suffering from a heart attack.

There is simply no scientific basis, never mind actual fact, behind such claims. It is DANGEROUS to teach people to do this.People who use this method, instead of calling for medical assistance, will likely cause more harm, even death.

Sudden a man heart attack in a Singapore theater