Stronger Bones, Get Rid of Dark Circles, Hair Loss and Fatigue with Prunes

By | December 3, 2019

A new blood test could be a way to spot patients at risk of an impending heart attack. The test detects levels of troponin, a protein that’s naturally released when the heart is damaged and which is currently used to confirm if someone has had a heart attack.

In a study at Emory University’s School of Medicine in the U.S., researchers put patients with diagnosed heart problems in situations that increased stress – such as having to speak in public and taking exercise – and monitored their troponin levels.

The results, presented at the recent American College of Cardiology conference, suggested patients developed high levels of troponin before heart attacks. The researchers say the new test could be a quick way to identify patients whose hearts are showing signs of early damage and prevent potential heart attacks.

Painkiller can kill off the flu virus, too

A drug used to tackle pain and inflammation may help treat flu, too. Every year scientists have to develop new flu vaccines to protect against the illness because the proteins targeted by them mutate rapidly.

Stronger Bones, Get Rid of Dark Circles, Hair Loss and Fatigue with Prunes