Stress Really DOES Turn Your Hair Grey!

By | December 31, 2019

It’s been said that Marie Antoinette’s hair turned white the night before she was beheaded. The assumption is that the stress caused by her impending date with doom caused her locks to lose their color within hours. For what it’s worth, most scientists debunk the story but at the same time, do acknowledge that stress can play a role in the gradual process of hair turning gray.Women start to go gray around age 35; men turn silvery around age 30. Depending on genes and overall health,

gray hairs can make their first appearance in high school or come as late as age 50 for some people.To understand whether your teenager can actually be blamed for causing you to go gray, you need to understand a bit of our physiology.

A typical human head has about 100,000 follicles, each one capable of sprouting several hairs in a lifetime. At the bottom of each follicle is a little hair-growing factory where cells work together to assemble colored hair. The color comes from a pigment called melanin.

Hair that has lost most of its melanin is gray; hair that has lost all of its melanin is white.But the jury is still out on whether stress actually causes hair to turn gray, and for the most part, at least anecdotally, you’d have to separate chronic stress — ongoing stress that lasts for a few years — from the kind Marie Antoinette was feeling as the guillotine loomed large.

Stress Really DOES Turn Your Hair Grey!