Some things for girls before going to in-laws

By | April 17, 2022

I’m trying this new thing temporarily where I don’t do a new post one day of the week and reshare an old one. I have so much content, so many detailed pieces on the blog and when one day someone randomly goes back to an old post buried in the archives and comments on it, it makes me realise there’s so much that I can reshare because probably a lot of us have forgotten about it/are new to it/would love to re-read a 100 times. So here we go, with an old, quite loved one from some time ago.

I waited for weeks to post this. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to. People misinterpret, I felt a little lazy about being misinterpreted.

Then I thought, fack this shit, let’s do this.

So for all the wimmenz who’ve written to me – ones about to get married/newly married/about to live with the in-laws/just-asking-out-of-general-curiosity – here are the 7 things I think work (and worked) solidly for me in having a healthy relationship with my in-laws.

This is not a set of commandments.

No one’s going to die if you don’t believe in them.

I know these rules will not work for everyone. And I know they’ll work for some. We’ve all got our individual situations, we all have our own ways of making bunnies fly

Try and discover what the magic formula for you is. Try and avoid victim mode where you only indulge in self-pity. You should be fine.   I’m only sharing them because I myself have lived with in-laws for a bit, enjoyed/enjoy a great relationship with mine (only gets better with time) and get a zillion questions about how I manage/managed things.

IMPORTANT: While I, A HUNDRED PERCENT, believe guys need to do exactly the same amount of effort with their in-laws as their wives do with theirs, for now I’m writing this keeping daughters-in-law in mind only. The majority of women move into the guy’s home which is always a tougher match to play – so let’s keep it focused for now.

Some things for girls before going to in-laws