Some misinformation about milk

By | November 21, 2019

Last week we wrote about the massive influx of misinformation around milk in the UK. The BBC posted an article with the headline “Dairy-free diets warning over risk to bone health”.

That article was apparently based on a press release from the National Osteoporosis Society. The press release triggered a tsunami of hyperbolic headlines around the world.

The BBC article makes unsubstantiated claims such as “Dairy products are the main source of calcium.” Main according to what? It also stated, “Cow’s milk is the best source” of calcium, but does not explain why it would be or back up that extreme claim with any scientific data.

Because the BBC is such a trusted source of news, though, such an article can do lasting damage. However, this seems to rely on nothing more than the press release from the National Osteoporosis Society for such claims.

Some misinformation about milk