Signs You Will Become Rich

By | April 20, 2020

If you could predict whether you’ll be rich someday based on your looks, your height, or your hair colour, then would you want to know the future?I would be interested. Studies say that attractive people are more likely to have a higher salary than unattractive people.

Taller people make more income than people a few inches shorter than them. Those kinds of statistics are interesting, but not an accurate way to predict how wealthy you will be one day.

I think a person’s character can tell you how likely they are to become wealthy. People who are more hardworking, dedicated, and open minded have what it takes to be highly successful.

There are three other ways to determine your chances of success. If you show these three signs, then there is a strong chance you’ll be rich one day.

The first sign that you’ll become rich one day is you’ll have the mindset and attitude for doing business starting from a young age.Ways To Make Money Entrepreneur and professional sports

team owner Mark Cuban sold garbage bags door to door when he was 12 years old so he could buy shoes. Warren Buffett sold packs of gum to neighbours

at the age of six and made his first stock investment at the age of 11.I’ve always been looking for ways to make money, even as a kid. I liked the game of making money.

At Chinese New Year during my childhood, I got “lucky money” from aunts and uncles. In the Chinese culture, children who say, “Gong Hei Fat Choy!” to their elders at New Year’s get money in red packets.

I always collected lucky money because my aunts and uncles were generous. I would get a couple thousand U.S. dollars.Most of my cousins would say a couple words and get a coin.

I wanted more than a coin so I would memorize long poems that had lucky sayings. Because I would memorize about 30 of them, uncles and aunts thought I was really smart and I got a lot of money.