The system of Allah

The biggest miracle of the One denoted by the name Allah is Muhammad Mustapha (saw)! His brain and his reality, and the communication between his brain and his reality, are the biggest miracles that have occurred on earth! And the biggest miracle of Allah’s servant and Rasul, Muhammad (saw), is the Quran! Why? Because, as the Rasul and… Read More »

Why Did The Holy Prophet Perform Multiple Marriages

Women are often brought into the picture when discussing Islam because their status — if not studied thoroughly and objectively — is severely misunderstood. Under those inaccurate assumptions, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is often accused of practicing and encouraging unjust treatment of women, while the truth is actually the opposite — as I hope you… Read More »

Am Ayesha I was a 5th class teacher in Islamabad High School

When schools were forced to close to avert the spread of the novel corona virus, Pakistan stood up an educational channel. Programmed with content for kindergarten through high school, it provides each grade one hour of curriculum per day, so students have to watch in shifts. Now, for millions of Pakistani schoolchildren, that single channel is their only access… Read More »

Does A Man Not Feel Pain?

At McGill University in Montreal, Canada, Sorge was investigating how animals develop an extreme sensitivity to touch. To test for this response, Sorge poked the paws of mice using fine hairs, ones that wouldn’t ordinarily bother them. The males behaved as the scientific literature said they would: they yanked their paws back from even the finest of threads.… Read More »