One woman says she came to this conclusion after 17 years of marriage

By | November 29, 2020

One woman says she came to this conclusion after 17 years of marriage. . That man is the most beautiful creature of God. He sacrifices his youth for his wife and children She is the one who does her best to ensure the future of her children. Be beautiful and good But in return for this sacrifice, he is always rebuked Never mind stepping out of the house for refreshments And if he stays at home, he is lazy and useless If children are scolded for wrongdoing, they are savages.

If he prevents his wife from working, then he is arrogant and terrifying If he takes pity on his mother, then he cherishes her And if he speaks kindly to his wife,

then he is a follower of herYet the man in the world is the one who wants to see his children better than himself in every way.A father is a person who loves his children in spite

of their disappointment and always prays for their well-being. The father is the one who endures the pain of his children when they follow in his footsteps and play and when they

grow up they follow in the heart of the father. The father is the one who bestows his best wealth but also what he has on his children. If the mother carries the child in the womb for 9 months

So the father spends his whole life in his thoughts and mind The world is good and beautiful as long as the guardian of the house is intact.

One woman says she came to this conclusion after 17 years of marriage