My car traveling with my husband of 21 years after marriage

By | October 19, 2019

I remember the first road trip my husband and I took together. We were going to be in the vehicle together for over 14-hours.Just the two of us.Now, I love my husband and adore the time I can spend with him. Frankly, I feel like I saw him more when we were dating versus being married to the man.Now we had the chance to sit together in a vehicle with no distractions (pre-kids) and really communicate with each other.

My biggest fear came a few days before the trip when I had the thought, “What if we run out of things to talk about?” For whatever reason,I was basing the strength of our relationship off of our ability to carry a conversation with each other.

Crazy idea.I know.Before you pack your bagss and head to your car, I want to share with you our favorite questions for couples during a road trip.I know you’re going to love the variety of questions and the memories you’ll make along the way.

If you could be driving any car right now, 2. what car would it be?What’s one thing you want to do on our vacation together? 3. What are you most looking forward to doing or seeing? 4. If you could travel anywhere for our next vacation, where would it be and why?

5.What are you looking forward to stepping away from the most while we are vacationing? 6. If you had $1,000 to spend on yourself (and only yourself) what would you buy?

My car traveling with my husband of 21 years after marriage In Urdu