Morning Sickness Causes and Treatment with Home Remedy

By | November 20, 2019

Nausea is something most people are familiar with. It is never pleasant and can arise in a variety of situations, including pregnancy and travel.Anti-nausea medications are commonly used to help relieve it. Unfortunately, such medications can have negative side effects of their own, including drowsiness.Here are 17 home remedies that help you get rid of nausea without using medications.

Ginger is a popular natural remedy commonly used to treat nausea.The way it works is not yet fully understood. However, experts believe that compounds in ginger may work in a similar way to anti-nausea medications .In fact, several studies agree that ginger is effective at reducing nausea in various situations.

For instance, consuming ginger may be an effective way to reduce nausea during pregnancy۔Ginger may also be effective at reducing the nausea people commonly experience after chemotherapy treatment or an operation۔

Some studies even report ginger to be as effective as some prescription medications, with fewer negative side effect.There is no consensus regarding the most effective dosage, but most of the studies above provided participants with 0.5 to 1.5 grams of dried ginger root per day.

Ginger use is safe for most people. However, you may need to limit your ginger intake if you’re prone to low blood pressure or low blood sugar, or if you’re taking blood thinners.Some experts also question the safety of eating dried ginger during pregnancy.

Morning Sickness Causes and Treatment with Home Remedy