Morning Routines to Help You Lose Weight..

By | January 6, 2020

It’s the start of the New Year and like always, everyone’s New Year resolution is to lose weight. With gyms over flooded with sweaty people and crazy diets that are impossible to follow, these resolutions tire out in the first week of the year.

Losing weight does not have to be so difficult which is why fitness expert Jillian Michaels revealed some morning habits that can help you lose weight. Compiled from Yahoo! Lifestyle, here are seven tips that you can follow in the morning to help you maintain a healthier lifestyle and shed those extra pounds.

While this might sound very obvious, many people still choose to skip their morning meal. Jillian says that opting out of your morning nutrient intake can cause you to overeat during lunch and make poor food choices throughout the day.

She stresses that breakfast should be a combination of protein, healthy carbs, and healthy fats. Scrambled eggs with veggies and a whole-grain toast should suffice your required morning intake.Have organic coffee: Drinking has more health benefits than harm. “When consumed in moderation, clean caffeine can improve cognitive functions and athletic performance, prevent type 2 diabetes, and lower the risk of cancer,” explains Jillian.

Morning Routines to Help You Lose Weight..