Loss Your Weight Super Fast

By | January 11, 2020

Every year, as part of our New Year’s resolutions, many of us attempt to change our diets and lose weight. Yet even if we go on a diet and reach our weight goal by February, we often put the weight back on a few weeks later. And even if we haven’t, it’s another story a few years later. According to one study, only 5pc of dieters who lose weight manage to keep it off for the proceeding five years.

“Most people can lose weight but the real trouble people have is maintaining that weight loss,” confirms dietitian Helen Bond. To help you reach your weight loss goals, we’ve spoken to health experts to find out how you can achieve your ideal weight and maintain it throughout 2020 – and beyond.

“It’s very difficult to get your vitamins and minerals that you need on a daily basis within a very small calorie offering,” she says, highlighting the need for B-vitamins, which combat fatigue, and zinc, which promotes immunity.

These “really restrictive faddy diets that have no scientific backing” can have a negative impact on mood, too. “Low blood sugar that comes from severe calorie restriction means often you have low mood and you’re not producing enough of the happy hormones, serotonin, because you’ve got low intakes of carbohydrates, and you can’t concentrate,” Bond explains.

Loss Your Weight Super Fast
Loss Your Weight Super Fast