Just Boil 2 Ingredients & Drink ….

By | December 27, 2019

 For most of us, the thought of shedding body fat is a daunting one with complicated diets and exercises needed to achieve the end goal. But it doesn’t have to be that hard – it’s simply a matter of re-balancing our lifestyles.

Cinnamon has tonnes of health benefits. It’s naturally anti-inflammatory, meaning that it’ll help you de-bloat and reduce your overall physical stress load. It’s also said to increase insulin sensitivity and decrease blood sugar – both of which are vital for losing weight.

The spice is also thought to boost metabolism because your body uses more energy to process it. “Though it has a slight metabolism/thermogenic effect, it is more about balancing blood sugar and insulin resistance, which in turn aids weight loss and can lessen food cravings,” nutritionist Helen Bond told The Sun.

“Again, this does not replace the need for dietary changes. A far better way of balancing blood sugar and insulin resistance is to follow a sugar-free, low-carbohydrate diet.” Dr Sally Norton told The Sun that cinnamon can be added to desserts or hot drinks as a healthy alternative to sugar, as it can have a subtle sweetness. So if you want something sweet after dinner, a cup of cinnamon tea might be the ideal solution.

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