It Is A Very Interesting Story, You Will Read It, You Will Definitely Get Advice For The Rest Of Your Life

By | February 17, 2022
  1. Knowing my particular learning style, I was a bit apprehensive when the only workable section of Business Statistics for my schedule was offered on-line. I usually perform best in a traditional class environment. The combination of an on-line class and the challenging nature of the material to be covered contributed to my nervousness. I found however, that it was not as bad as I had imagined. Do not get me wrong, there is a lot of work involved, but with the detailed lecture notes, assigned readings, homework problems, E-labs and computational tools, and most importantly Dr. Arsham’s encouragement you can succeed in this course.It was exciting to be able to apply certain concepts learned in the course to an actual work assignment I was doing at the time. The ability to apply one concept in the “real world” encouraged me to look for ways to incorporate the other concepts learned.
  2. Thank you very much Professor Arsham. I can truly say that out of all the statistics class that I have taken I learned the most in this one. In the past it was a matter of just going through the motions, but the way this course was run and the way the supplementary materials were provided above and beyond just reading the book, made things clearer and easier for me to understand. I fee like I “know” statistics. Thank you again.
  3. I felt this was a valuable course and allowed me to get a good grasp of how statistics can be applied in business. The course was well taught and organized and Dr. Arsham was always very responsive, which I find helpful in and online class. The lectures notes are extremely are detailed and help you to comprehend the material. The websites and Elabs also provided additional information that helped me to comprehend the material. Even for those with statistical background, this is an excellent course that teaches you the application of statistics in business.
  4. Dr. Arsham was one of the most professional and understanding instructors I have had at the University of Baltimore. He was very responsive to student’s questions and was very fair in the grading process. Although his class was difficult, I believe that he helped students grasp very complex statistical subjects. The work assigned was time-consuming and demanding, but did prepare the student thoroughly for the mid-term and final exams.
    Although I had the option of taking this class at a community college, I took it from Dr. Arsham because I was told that he was one of the best at communicating the concepts. I was not disappointed.
  5. I truly enjoyed this class and really liked the student-professor interaction.
    I get nervous when I take online classes because you just never know. I appreciated your fast responses to all the questions that I asked. It was a pleasure to be in your statistics class this semester.
  6. During the first week of this class, I was overwhelmed by how much work we were required to do. You need to finish the homework in the textbook, which is probably the only required homework for most of other classes, redefine the keywords learned in the week, review some Web sites, and experiment a few E-lab tools. Needless to say, the first week of the class was hectic for me. However, once I settled in the pace of this class, I understood the importance of all these exercises. Although I don’t like a professor to keep me too busy, I have to say that I cannot find any better way to teach this class than the way Dr. Arsham is teaching. All those exercises link to each other and help you understand the course contents deeply. You can see how much efforts and thoughts that Dr. Arsham has put into this class. This is one of the most enriched online classes that I have ever taken.
It is a very interesting story, you will read it, you will definitely get advice for the rest of your life
It is a very interesting story, you will read it, you will definitely get advice for the rest of your life
It is a very interesting story, you will read it, you will definitely get advice for the rest of your life