Is The Perfect Lesson Possible

By | February 9, 2022

Every teacher will tell you that they would love to teach a perfect lesson each time they step in front of a class. We know that is not possible on a regular basis, maybe only on a rare occasion. We do try to produce a perfect lesson so that we can help our students develop fully.

We may think we have finally achieved what we might describe as a perfect lesson only to find out from the reaction of our students that they don’t see it that way. It falls short of their personal ideal.

When you have created your perfect lesson, the students don’t think so. When you think you failed to produce the perfect/good lesson, the class thinks otherwise. But they don’t let you become aware of that.

What factors that deem a lesson is perfect for the teacher may be completely the opposite to what students feel is a perfect lesson.

Now, let me detail what a perfect lesson might consist of for the classroom teacher.

The introduction gets the students interested and absorbed in the content. Their eyes are on you the whole time.

Your presentation is smooth and the lesson proceeds as planned.

The students asked questions that are appropriate; at the right time and indicate they are thinking deeply about what you are teaching. The questions help deepen the students’ understanding of the topic. Your students don’t hesitate to ask questions and follow-up questions if they need further clarification.

When set follow-up activities, they begin work immediately with enthusiasm.

Is The Perfect Lesson Possible

The final nail for a perfect lesson comes when you assess your class’ grasp of the topic. If the results show a greater understanding by the students than is expected or normal, then you might regard the lesson as a perfect success.

The above scenario is sought after but is a rarely attained achievement. There are too many factors that work to prevent this outcome. Here are just a few.

There are many different learning styles in any class. It is nigh impossible to teach a lesson that incorporates strategies that appeal to each learning style.

Secondly, we are teaching young human beings who have all faults of the human race. They may have come to school hungry; or had a fight with mum or a friend. They may be sick or tired from lack of sleep. There may have been a family break up or the death of a close relative or friend.