Interesting information about Navel

By | November 5, 2021

Pierced or tattooed, hairy or smooth, sexy or ugly, stuck out or stuck in – the navel is an intriguing part of the human body. Often referred to as belly button, the navel has provoked thoughts, kicked started research and yes, it is something that can actually let you go down in her pants if explored properly. So, what makes this navel such an interesting thing on our body? Why is it there?What is its purpose? Let us try and find out the answers to these questions through this list of 20 interesting navel facts.

1. Medically or scientifically, the navel or the belly button is nothing but a scar on our body. There is a medical term for this scar – ‘umbilicus’. So, what creates this scar?

When a baby is inside its mother’s womb, it is connected to the mother’s body using the umbilical cord. The cord is attached to the baby’s body exactly at the point where the navel sits.

During birth, doctors tie up the cord and cut it to separate the baby from the mother. Some portion of the cord remains attached the baby and over time, it dries out and falls off, leaving the scar which we later call ‘navel’.

2. Belly button can appear as sticking out and is known as outtie or it can actually stick in and is known as innie. Innies are more common than outies. Only 4% of total world wide population have outies. It is really scarce.

Interesting information about Navel