In 1472 He Was A Famous Robber

By | February 21, 2024

Categorize into classical and modern groups, film have been analyzed for their themes and motifs. As a master of techniques, Citizen Kane falls into the classical category and demonstrating the Italian Neorealism, The Bicycle Thief fits the modern class.

Both films use photography, mise en scene, editing, movement, and story similarly and differently to emphasize their personal themes. In both films, photography played a huge role to depict a theme. The use of camera angles, specific shots,

and lighting in Citizen Kane, help support the idea of supremacy. In the political campaign scene, there is a long shot establishing Kane’s surroundings, which is overpowered by a monstrous poster of his face. This settles an undivided attention

Also adding to the realistic look, De Sica shot the film in Rome, with its architecture highly visible in the
Ambrosini 3 frame; because of this the viewer is easily submerged into the environment and surroundings of the film for an understanding of the problems. Both films use an asymmetrical,

unbalanced composition.In Citizen Kane to show the unorganized, limitless mentality of Kane reflected in his belongings, and in The Bicycle Thief,

In 1472 he was a famous robber