If you use ginger in this way then belly fat will melt in days

By | February 24, 2022

If you are on a weight loss diet then you must supplement your diet with water and healthy fluids, ginger water is one of them.

When it comes to weight loss, one blunder people always commit is not taking their liquid calories in to count. You may have cut down on fattening chips and cookies to save those extra calories, but if you have been binge drinking aerated colas, sodas and sugary juices all this while in your weight loss journey- you may have to wait a while longer to see results. 

If you are on a weight loss diet then you must supplement your diet with water and healthy fluids like coconut water, nimbu pani, tea, coffee, and clear soups. Another healthy and low-calorie beverage that you can include in your weight loss diet is-ginger water.

Ginger is a perennial herb native to China and India known as Zingiber officinale. In addition to adding strong and pungent flavour to our food, ginger is also used in a number of home remedies to treat problems like cold, flu, and indigestion. Ginger has been an essential part of Ayurveda since time immemorial. Ginger, among other things can also help shedding those extra kilos. Especially if you have it right in the morning.

Dr. Shikha Sharma in her book ‘101 Weight Loss Tips’ writes, “Drinking adrak in water early in the morningis good as it reduces water retention and helps in digestion, especially for kapha and vata constitution people.”

If you use ginger in this way then belly fat will melt in days