If the curry oil does not come up during preparation, use this tip

By | March 8, 2023

If you love cooking, you’d know an ingredient more or less can make or break the dish. Cooking requires skills, precision and time to make any dish perfect, especially if you are preparing curry. Curry is one of the best dishes to make as it is super-flexible, but all it needs is the right ingredients and the timing to cook it to perfection. While it may be easy to make any curry,

you may encounter certain errors that can ruin your dish completely. The factors that can make or break your curry include how you cook your thickening agents like onion and tomatoes, how thick your gravy should be versus how thick it is,

how big or small chopped ingredients you have put in, and how much quantity of ingredients you should have added. These are a few factors that may go wrong in your chicken or mutton curry making it unappetising. We jot down some cooking mistakes that you should avoid while making chicken or mutton curry.

1. Onions And Tomatoes Are Sliced Or Cut In Big Chunks

Onions and tomatoes act as thickening agents for any curry. Smaller the pieces your onions are chopped into, the thicker your gravy will be. The ideal way to make the curry is to have finely sliced or chopped onions that will ensure a thick and rich curry. In case you want a thinner curry, you could always add some water to the masala you prepare.

If the curry oil does not come up during preparation, use this tip