How tomato improve male fertility

By | October 21, 2019

Healthy men who took the equivalent of two tablespoons of (concentrated) tomato puree a day as a supplement were found to have better quality sperm.

Male infertility affects up to half of couples who cannot conceive.

Fertility experts said more studies were needed involving men known to have fertility problems.

NHS advice for men experiencing fertility problems currently suggests they adopt a healthy lifestyle and wear loose-fitting underwear.

It also suggests reducing stress as much as possible and ensuring they have regular sex around the time their partner ovulates to maximise the chances of conception.

But the idea that certain nutrients could boost male fertility has been gaining ground for some time.

Lycopene, like vitamin E and zinc which have been the focus of previous research, is an antioxidant which means it prevents oxidation in cells, and therefore damage.

It has been linked to other health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease and some cancers.

Why tomato puree might improve male fertility