How To Lose Weight Fast

By | January 12, 2020

Eating breakfast, drinking green tea and tucking into dairy products might actually encourage weight loss which means no more cutting things out – we look at some more foods that could help you lose weight.

Carbohydrates: Although new diets claim to reduce weight by cutting out carbohydrates, there is no evidence to back them up, says Claire MacEvilly. In fact, studies have shown that the best diet for weight loss is one where 50 percent of the energy comes from carbohydrates, 35 percent from fat and 15 percent from protein. So including carbohydrates in your diet is a good way to help you lose weight.

Most people don’t realize that carbohydrates aren’t just bread and potato, she says. Milk, fruit, vegetables, and cereals are good sources of carbohydrate too and, along with pasta and rice, these should constitute half of your diet.

All carbohydrates are made up of sugars like glucose and fructose, and the body absorbs these at different rates. Carbohydrates that are absorbed slowly – like apples, plums, grapes, beans, pulses, peanuts, cherries, milk, peas, and tomatoes – are said to have a low glycaemic index (GI).

How To Lose Weight Fast