How to Lose Weight Fast 10 kg In 10 Days & Belly fat Loss Drink in 10 Days

By | October 1, 2020

Weight Loss: If you are trying to lose weight gained during the holidays or to fit back into your bathing suit for the summer, or simply to lead a healthier lifestyle, you know it is a task that needs time and patience. We are all guilty of trying all sorts of diets and fitness tips to lose those extra pounds. While some have been successful in meeting their goals adopting extreme measures,

others have struggled and struggled to a point that have made them give up hope. The truth is that losing weight is easy, but only if done in the right manner.

So here are my top 10 secrets to help you achieve your target weight this year, and not just that, these daily practices would also help you lead a healthier life.

Set up your alarm 20 minutes early and schedule your workout first thing in the morning. Studies suggest that people who exercise in the morning are relatively slimmer and,

healthier than the ones who exercise later in the day. Carry the feel good hormones and energy throughout the day by doing your exercise in the morning.

How to Lose Weight Fast 10 kg In 10 Days & Belly fet Loss Drink in 10 Days

2. Skip the Scale Don’t weigh yourself daily, sometimes it just unnecessarily panics you and can be demotivating. Also, the scale can be deceiving as it ignores the fact that you might be adding muscle weight. Weigh yourself once a week and ideally in the morning.

When I consult clients I have realised that their main meals are well managed, however,snack is an area where most of them end up going for unnecessary foods and jeopardize their weight loss.

It’s a great idea to pack your own snack at work or on the go. Make small packs of nuts and seeds, fruits, plain yogurt, chaach, sprouts, dark chocolate, chilla, cubes of paneer or cheese.