How to Lighten Skin on Feet Fast – Hands & Feet

By | October 10, 2020

There are several factors that can cause darker skin on the hands and feet, including dirt, medications, environmental and chemical factors, infections, inflammation, and exposure to the sun’s damaging rays. Several beauty and cosmetics companies make skin lightening treatments, which can often be found in drug stores or pharmacies. However, there are also numerous foods that can be applied topically to help lighten the skin,

so you don’t have to go any farther than your kitchen to find the ingredients for skin lightening remedies. It’s important to remember, though, that the best way to keep your skin

healthy and radiant is by eating a healthy and balanced diet, exercising regularly, leading a healthy lifestyle, and taking care of your skin.

Apply foods containing lactic acid

Lactic acid is an alpha hydro acid, which is a group of acids naturally occurring in certain foods.These acids remove the top layer of dead skin, and are often used in commercial skin care treatments to alleviate dry,

scaly, or darkened skin.Only use lactic acid products at night, as it can make your skin even more susceptible to UV damage.

How to Lighten Skin on Feet Fast - Hands & Feet
  • Apply a thin layer of plain yogurt to your hands and feet before bed. Leave the yogurt on for five to 10 minutes, and rinse with warm water. Repeat a couple times per week.
  • Remember that even if you do this, you will still need to wear SPF 15 or higher sunscreen during the day to prevent sun damage.

Apply citrus foods high in vitamin C. The citric acid present in citrus foods will act as an exfoliates and help lighten dark marks, while the vitamin C will tone your skin and help with hyper pigmentation Hyper pigmentation is a patch of darker skin caused by excess melanin.

Never apply citrus foods to your face, and use them with caution elsewhere, as the acid can disrupt your skin’s natural pH level, and make you more susceptible to UV. Don’t use citrus foods on your skin more than once a week.