How to Grow Long And Thicken Hair Naturally with Herbal Remedy

By | December 2, 2019

Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s a smart haircare routine. For some women, enviably long hair just happens, but for the rest of us, tweaking certain aspects of our day-to-day beauty routine must be made. Whether that be using a different hair brush, adjusting how often you use your hair dryer, adding a vitamin to the mix, or sleeping on a silk pillowcase (yes, really), there are several easy steps that can be done to achieve long,

lustrous locks. Check out these pro tips to guide you in the right direction (longer!).It may seem counterintuitive, but if you want long hair that’s actually healthy, you need to get regular trims. “While haircuts don’t make your hair grow any faster,

they get rid of split ends that break your hair,” explains celebrity hairstylist Michael Dueñas.”Eliminating the breakage gives the appearance that your hair is growing faster.

“After all, a split end that breaks can lead to your hair losing length — not to mention shine, volume, and smoothness. If you want to know exactly how long you can go between trims, follow this guide.

How to Grow Long And Thicken Hair Naturally with Herbal Remedy