How to Grow Hair Faster for Men and Women in Natural Way

By | December 12, 2019

Found the perfect hairstyle?Great! But you’ll first have to grow your hair out.A long, agonizing wait…what else can you do?Any pill or product that helps? Nope. The average person’s hair grows 1/2 an inch after a month. Don’t bother with these “miracle substances” and their claims…complete waste of money.

Instead Understand the things that slow down hair growth – and avoid them as much as possible.Here are 7 natural ways to grow your hair faster.

World-renowned trichologist Philip Kingsley (who’s been in the hair business for many decades) says that the human hair has “the second fastest-growing cells in your body – intestinal cells being the first.”

The average scalp has approximately 120,000 hairs growing on it at any point.There’s a lot of manpower involved in the way your hair is “dressed up.” But at the same time,

hair is neither an essential tissue nor a vital organ. Your body never puts its nutritional needs ahead of the rest. So any nutritional “imbalance” would take a toll on your hair before anything else.

How to Grow Hair Faster for Men and Women in Natural Way