How can we keep our mind sharp

By | September 14, 2019

As we grow older, we all start to notice some changes in our ability to remember things.Maybe you’ve gone into the kitchen and can’t remember why, or can’t recall a familiar name during a conversation. You may even miss an appointment because it slipped your mind. Memory lapses can occur at any age, but we tend to get more upset by them as we get older because we fear they’re a sign of dementia,

or loss of intellectual function. The fact is, significant memory loss in older people isn’t a normal part of aging—but is due to organic disorders, brain injury, or neurological illness,

with Alzheimer’s being among the most feared.Most of the fleeting memory problems that we experience with age reflect normal changes in the structure and function of the brain.

These changes can slow certain cognitive processes, making it a bit harder to learn new things quickly or screen out distractions that can interfere with memory and learning.,,,