Health Benefits Of Apple Tea And How To Make It

By | January 22, 2020

Apple tea is quite new in the market and it has gained a lot of popularity during these days because of the health benefits that it provides. It is a warm and soothing drink which can be great for you if you want to lose weight or just want to feel better and stay healthy in winters. It is prepared by brewing fresh apples with regular black tea and some spices. Surely, this tea takes a bit more time to get prepared as compared to other teas but,

its unique flavour makes it worth the time and efforts. Apples are loaded with many essential nutrients and antioxidants, which makes them one of the most healthy fruits on this planet. So, what are the health benefits of drinking apple tea?

1. It helps in managing diabetes
The healthy compounds that are found in apple tea have positive effects on the blood sugar levels inside the body. So, drinking apple tea can be beneficial in managing diabetes.

2. It cures constipation Drinking apple tea in the morning can be helpful in improving your digestion, which in turn can cure constipation.

3. It improves the bone health
Apple tea offers high amounts of magnesium, potassium, vitamins C and sodium, all of which can help build strong bones.

4. It improves the heart health
The active ingredients of apple tea help in reducing the bad cholesterols in the body, which lowers the blood pressure. Drinking apple tea regularly can protect your heart from various types of diseases.

5. It improves vision
The flavonoids present in apple tea can help in preventing eye-related diseases by protecting the vision as you get older.

Benefits of Apple Tea In Urdu