Hazrat Moosa and the river Nile

By | September 26, 2019

Ancient Egyptian Civilisation, along with other city states established in Mesopotamia at the same time, is known to be one of the oldest civilisations in the world and it is recognised to have been an organised state with the most advanced social order of its age. The facts that they discovered writing around the 3rd millennium B.C. and used it, that they made use of the river Nile and were protected,

against dangers abroad on account of the natural setting of the country, greatly contributed to the Egyptians improving their civilisation. But this “civilised”

society was one in which “the reign of pharaohs” prevailed, which is the system of denial mentioned in the clearest and most straightforward way in the Qur’an.

They puffed up with pride, turned aside, and blasphemed. In the end, neither their advanced civilisations, their social and political orders, nor their military successes could save them from being destroyed. 

Hazrat Moosa and the river Nile
Hazrat Moosa and the river Nile