Get Long and Thicker Hair in a Month

By | December 24, 2019

Sweet Potatoes: This delicious vegetable contains large amounts of beta carotene which is converted into Vitamin A upon entering the human body and enhances the scalp and quality of existing hair.Vitamin A is essential for the functioning of all cells in the body and also sustains the natural oils produced by our scalp. Sweet potatoes are an excellent remedy for itchy scalps and dandruff as well.

Dry fruits: These nuts make hair grow faster and thicker owing to the high levels of biotin and Vitamin E present in them and shield hair against DNA damage and UV rays.

Walnuts have also been proven to have copper, a mineral which maintains the richness of natural hair color adds shine and keeps them soft and lustrous.

To grow long, luscious hair, keep your hair healthy and hydrated to avoid any dryness or damages. It is best to use shampoo 2-3 times a week and condition your hair daily.

You can also apply a deep conditioning treatment and massage your scalp once a week to encourage hair health. For best results, maintain a healthy diet, sleep on a silk or satin pillowcase,

avoid heat styling tools, and don’t dye or chemically relax your hair. With some patience and persistence, you’ll be well on your way to thick, flowing locks.

Get Long and Thicker Hair in a Month