Follow a Few Tried Recipes From Your Grandparents And Reap The Benefits

By | October 18, 2021

Do you cook healthy dinners every night, only to have your kids beg for chicken fingers, macaroni and cheese, or hotdogs? Or do you find yourself stuck in a dinnertime rut, making spaghetti three times a week because it’s the only thing everyone will eat? With a little planning and creativity, you can make your mealtimes healthier (and lots more fun!) by teaching your kids to cook.

The benefits of cooking with your kids go beyond adding variety to your weekly menu. Children who help to prepare their own meals are more likely to eat (or at least try) the food they’ve made, making it easier for you to add some healthful foods to their diet.

And families who cook together not only get to enjoy the time spent preparing food with one another, but also are more likely to sit down at the table and eat together. Cooking also helps young children practice math skills when they’re measuring and estimating portions, and it builds creativity and self reliance in kids of all.

We’ve put together a list of our five favorite traditions for teaching kids to cook. Read on, and you might just be inspired to begin some new cooking traditions of your own!

Whether you’re hosting a holiday meal or bringing a side dish to your family feast, you can start a new tradition by letting your kids choose and prepare (or help to prepare) their favorite side dish. For younger children, ask them to select from a few different recipes that you suggest,

but older kids and teenagers might be more excited about contributing a new recipe that they find on their own. If you’re concerned about bringing something kid-made to a friend’s fancy dinner, or if you’re tasked with bringing creamed

onions to your sister-in-law’s house (again!), have the kids make or decorate a batch of cookies. Even the youngest toddler can shake on some sprinkles, and other children at the party will be sure to welcome the extra dessert.

Follow a few tried and tested recipes from your grandparents and reap the benefits