During an interview in a program

By | June 5, 2023

Here are interview questions you may expect when interviewing for a program management role:

1. When monitoring multiple projects, how do you prioritize them?

Program managers oversee a variety of projects at once. Because of this, they have to set priorities to manage their workload. When a hiring manager asks this, they want to know your strategy for managing so many projects at once. Help them understand your thought process and provide them with details regarding what factors you consider when making your decision.

Example: “When setting a priority, I determine any dependencies since some projects may need to reach a certain point before continuing. I also consider each project’s goals, resource constraints and budget requirements and speak with the sponsors and stakeholders. Doing all of this helps me prioritize projects in a way that’s most beneficial for the company as a whole.”

2. How would you manage underperforming team members?

Interviewers ask this question to better understand your management style. The answer to this question helps them determine how you’d balance a project’s success while encouraging underwhelming team members. Use your answer to demonstrate how you’d support your team while not letting the project fail.

During an interview in a program