Don’t Run Before You Can Walk

By | December 20, 2023

I recently got this question from an EFS subscriber:

“Hi Sam. Thank you for English For Study. I want learn phrasal verbs so I speak to more people better. How I learn these?”

We have this saying in English:

“Don’t run before you can walk”.

It basically means that you should be able to walk well before you can run.

Now, when we use this phrase, we don’t mean it literally. What we mean is:

You should be able to do the basics before you move onto the advanced stuff.

It’s like when you see people at the gym doing really strange exercises, when really they should be focusing on the basics.

It’s the same in English learning.

Many people focus on the really ‘cool’ parts of English – like phrasal verbs – before they can even make a sentence.

These people won’t get very far.

When you don’t know how to use the basics well, you won’t be able to use the more advanced parts of English well.

He who cannot walk will start running