Desi Tips To Get Gorgeous Naturally

By | August 29, 2021

When it comes to health, having some kind of exercise routine as a part of your life is essential. But what people forget is that what you eat is just as important. But have you ever wondered how your kitchen can provide you with more than just nutrition.

As a yoga exponent, I often understand that while practicing yoga might be important, my kitchen offers me a number of opportunities to improve my health quotient. Here are five things that you can use from your kitchen to help you become healthier:

Tip#1: Make your own ghee: This way you know there are no additives, fragrance, artificial colouring or additives in it. Since it’s home-made, you can rely on the fact that your ghee is free of preservatives and has been made hygienically.

Tip#2:Once you make the ghee, use it to make your own kajal: Homemade kajal is recommended in Ayurveda. Most people I know use kajal more than any other cosmetic.

The advantage of making it yourself, is that you know it won’t harm your eyes (in fact, according to Ayurveda, will keep your eyes clean, make your eyesight better and make your eye lashes longer) or cause any allergies.

Again, you’ll know that there are absolutely no preservatives in the product and that it’s been made hygienically. I started making my own kajal two years ago. At first I felt it was a cumbersome process, but I soon realized it’s actually very simple. Here is how you can make it:

Some Desi Tips For Your Health
Some Desi Tips For Your Health