By | June 24, 2020

Trying to drink more water every day can seem at best boring and repetitive and at worst well, a little torturous. But with some simple tricks, making some fun rules for yourself, and maybe getting a product or two, it doesn’t have to be so difficult. Here are our best tips for drinking more water every day.You can add a little bit of excitement and flavor by steeping fresh fruit (grapefruit, strawberries, lemon), veggie slices (cucumber, ginger, celery), and herbs (basil, mint, lavender) in your carafe.

Read 27 Fruit-Infused Waters to Stay Hydrated This Season to get inspiration for some tasty add-in combinations. The longer you let it steep, the tastier each cup will be.

And you can play around with different combos, like cucumber mint or basil lemon.Start a habit by linking drinking water with one of your most common daily activities—going to the bathroom. Getting up from your desk for a bathroom break?

Stop by the kitchen to chug a glass of water. It’s just another way to build the habit into your daily routine. You’ll already be getting up, which means it’s a perfect time to stop by the water cooler or the faucet to fill up your bottle or glass. And it will set up a great cycle:

The more water you drink, the more you’ll have to go to the bathroom, which means the more water you will drink, and so on. Basically, it’s the good kind of self-fulfilling prophecy.

If you are making dinner at home, sip while you cook and prep. If you’re out at a restaurant, ask for water when the server comes around to take drink orders.

If you’re waiting for your lunch to heat up or your toast to pop, drink water while doing it. Even if you’re putting together a snack, drink that water. It’s just a simple rule that will help you drink more water.

Once you establish these little “rules,” you’ll find that you’re doing it almost automatically without having to think about it or put much effort into it at all.