Category Archives: Women Health

Just 2 minutes of work that will make you slim

Did you know that you can visualize your way to health? Even success?I know that may sound woo-woo, but hang on.For sure, getting the health you want requires making conscientious choices—but once you know how, that stuff becomes second nature and doesn’t feel like work. It just becomes a way of life.Too often though, women don’t even get… Read More »

If you eat 11 bananas daily, you can get rid of this serious illness

Bananas are one of the world’s most popular fruits, stuffed with vitamins and minerals. On the face of it they are good for you, so why do some people think they could be fatal?One well-known figure who has spread this idea around is Karl Pilkington, the grumpy friend of comedian Ricky Gervais.”Before when you were talking about bananas…… Read More »

Use a sharp rose to highlight the look and color of the face

If you’re looking to get your glow on, you’ve come to the right place. Learning how to use highlighter makeup on your skin is key to achieving a radiant makeup look. In fact, a touch of perfectly placed highlighter can help instantly open up the look of your eyes, define your face, and create symmetry. Seriously, let’s have a quick round… Read More »

Pray For Children

Children are a gift – an amazing blessing from God.  Every single day we may find ourselves doing a lot for our kids, loving and caring for them, nurturing, teaching, training, helping, leading, equipping, encouraging, protecting, and so much more. We spend precious hours just living out life, helping with homework, and driving them to activities. We spend… Read More »

Dr Bilquis Sheikh Weight Loss Herbal Remedy

Dr Bilquis Sheikh is the famous Pakistani herbalist living in Karachi. Dr Bilquis Sheikh Tips for weight loss, pregnancy, hair falling, skin whitening are very popular among men and women of Pakistan. In the following video, she shares the best weight reduction remedy, especially for married men and women. This fat cutter natural remedy is also useful for unmarried peoples.… Read More »

Male Infertility Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Natural Treatment

Up to 15 percent of couples are infertile. This means they aren’t able to conceive a child, even though they’ve had frequent, unprotected sexual inter-course for a year or longer. In over a third of these couples, male infertility plays a role. Male infertility is due to low sperm production, abnormal sperm function or blockages that prevent the… Read More »

Calcium Deficiency Disease Symptoms, Treatment…

Hypocalcemia, commonly known as calcium deficiency disease, occurs when calcium levels in the blood are low. A long-term deficiency can lead to dental changes, cataracts, alterations in the brain, and osteoporosis, which causes the bones to become brittle. Complications of hypocalcemia can be life-threatening, and if the condition goes untreated, it could eventually lead to death. A calcium… Read More »