Category Archives: Story

The power of Pakistani women

Women in Pakistan make up 48.76% of the population according to the 2017 census of Pakistan.Women in Pakistan have played an important role throughout Pakistan’s history and they are allowed to vote in elections since 1956.In Pakistan, women have held high offices including that of the Prime Minister, Speaker of the National Assembly, Leader of the Opposition, as well as federal ministers, judges,and serving commissioned… Read More »

Description of the things that are makrooh and forbidden in prayer

Praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.We previously published a brief work entitled “Muharamaat: Prohibitions that are taken too lightly”, which discussed some of the various offences against Sharee’ah which may involve shirk and major and minor sins. Evidence for these things being prohibited… Read More »

What should a woman take special care of when going out?

Women’s nutritional needs change during menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause. A woman’s reproductive life means that her nutritional needs differ greatly from those of a man. With the popularity of crash dieting in Australia, nutritional deficiencies are common, especially among young women. Good nutrition means eating a wide variety of foods every day, which isn’t possible on a… Read More »

Seven facts-based observations

The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) has responsibilities to observe, document, and understand global change and to predict it to the extent possible. The USGCRP does this by concentrating on five science areas: seasonal-to-interannual variability, decadal-to-centennial variability, atmospheric chemistry and ultraviolet-B radiation, ecosystems, and human dimensions—areas described in the previous chapters. By far the largest share of… Read More »

When in Europe headaches were called demon possession

Field observations and interviews with possessed individuals in contemporary Trinidadian society indicate that the incorporation of the local folklore and superstition is the prime prerequisite for the possession complex, but that the reaction per se is triggered by situations of unusual stress or emotional conflict. Although a consistent clinical picture of psychopathology is not apparent, the four reported… Read More »

Friends who used their women without fear

Kentucky, USA. A woman known only as SM is walking through Waverly Hills Sanatorium, reputedly one of the “most haunted” places in the world. Now a tourist attraction, the building transforms into a haunted house every Halloween, complete with elaborate decorations, spooky noises and actors dressed in monstrous costumes. The experience is silly but still unnerving and the… Read More »

Why is Lal Shahbaz Qalandar called Lal

Syed Usman Marwandi (1177 – 1274), popularly known as Lal Shahbaz Qalandar (Sindhi: لعل شھباز قلندر‎), was a Sufi saint and religious-poet of present-day Pakistan and Afghanistan.He is highly regarded and respected by people of all religions because he preached religious tolerance among Muslims and Hindus. He was called Lal (“ruby-colored”) after his usual red attire and “Shahbaz” to denote a noble and divine spirit and “Qalandar” as… Read More »