Category Archives: Health Tips

Blood Clotting and Parkinson Causes and Treatment

The use of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding protein (LBP) to treat Parkinson’s Disease (AD) by reducing hypercoagulation (exaggerated blood clotting) commonly associated with this disease. Brief description The use of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding protein (LBP) to treat Parkinson’s Disease (AD) by reducing hypercoagulation (exaggerated blood clotting) commonly associated with this disease. Unique Characteristics The researchers responsible for the development of this… Read More »

Benefits of Cinnamon for Health

Cinnamon has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, the world’s most common cause of premature death. In people with type 2 diabetes, 1 gram or about half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day has been shown to have beneficial effects on blood markers.It reduces levels of total cholesterol, “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, while “good” HDL… Read More »

What is Skin Allergy, Causes and Natural Treatment

What are skin allergies? Skin allergies occur when your immune system reacts to a perceived threat that would typically be harmless to your body. Common symptoms of a skin allergic reaction may include: itching redness swelling raised bumps skin flaking skin cracking (from dry skin) The most effective way to avoid skin allergies is to limit or avoid contact with the allergen. But if… Read More »

Allergy Treatment Causes, Symptoms and Best Home Remedy

An institute of Karachi University has conducted a study to monitor and analyze airborne fungal flora present in the city environment. The research, according to the scientists, would help physicians in devising appropriate treatment and preventive methodologies for patients of respiratory allergies especially those suffering from asthma in Karachi. The study carried out at Dr Panjwani Centre for… Read More »

Tooth Cavity and Decay: Symptoms, Causes,and Treatment Home Remedy

A buildup of food and bacteria form a film on the teeth. The term for this is plaque. If plaque is not removed, it will cause tooth decay.Streptococcus mutans is a type of bacteria known to play a role in this decay.Plaque builds up more easily in places such as: cracks, pits, and grooves in the teeth between the… Read More »

Best Homemade Energy Drink

Apart from genetic and physiological reasons that cause a low sperm count, environmental and lifestyle factors are increasingly contributing to this problem. A very low sperm count is also called oligospermia. Having a very low sperm count can make it harder to conceive naturally. The Bourn Hall study identified five main reasons for male infertility: Stress: Chronic stress or… Read More »

Urinary Tract Infection in Men

Although urinary tract infections (UTIs) are more common in women, men can get them, too. They occur when bacteria build up somewhere along your urinary tract. In men, UTIs can develop in the urethra (the tube that runs from the opening at the tip of the penis to the bladder), the bladder, the prostate, or the kidney. A… Read More »

Thyroid Gland Problems, Symptoms,Causes,and Best Treatment

The opposite is hyperthyroidism, where the thyroid produces too much thyroid hormone. However, the link between hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism is complex, and one can lead to the other, in certain circumstances. Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism, or the way the body uses energy. If thyroxine levels are low, many of the body’s functions slow down. About 4.6 percent of the population aged… Read More »

Snoring Causes While Sleeping, Health Risks, and Treatments

Snoring is noisy breathing while you sleep. It’s a common condition that can affect anyone, although it happens more often in men and people who are overweight. Snoring tends to get worse with age.Snoring once in a while isn’t usually a serious problem. It’s mostly a nuisance for your bed partner. But if you’re a long-term snorer, you not only disrupt the sleep… Read More »

Urine Colors and What They Might Mean

Most of the time, urine is a pale yellow color because it contains urochrome, one of the substances produced when hemoglobin gets broken down. Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that sticks to oxygen so it can be ferried around the body. Occasionally, though, urine turns a very different color. Men may notice the change as… Read More »