Category Archives: Health News

Everyone will be aware of the benefits of milk and honey

Honey and milk is a classic combination often featured in drinks and desserts alike.In addition to being incredibly calming and comforting, milk and honey can bring a rich flavor to your favorite recipes. Plus, these two ingredients have been researched for their medicinal properties and are often used as a natural remedy to treat a variety of health… Read More »

A useful piece of advice for people with joint pain

Joints are the parts of your body where your bones meet. Joints allow the bones of your skeleton to move. Joints include: shoulders hips elbows knees Joint pain refers to discomfort, aches, and soreness in any of the body’s joints. Joint pain is a common complaint. It doesn’t typically require a hospital visit. Sometimes, joint pain is the result of… Read More »

How to extract syrup from palm

Dissolving palm sugar makes it easier to incorporate into pad thai sauce. Look for the soft and scoopable version, sold in small tubs at Asian markets. If substituting the firmer disks of palm sugar, coarsely chop before using to ensure it dissolves fully. Equipment Small Pot Airtight Container Yield: makes 2 cupsTime: 15 minutes Ingredients 1½ cups (10 oz.) coconut… Read More »

Back pain, Joint pain, Cervical licorice, Mental weakness

Licorice is an herb that grows in parts of Europe and Asia. The root is used as medicine. Licorice root contains glycyrrhizin, which is also called glycyrrhizic acid. Glycyrrhizin can cause adverse effects when eaten in large quantities. Many “licorice” products manufactured in the U.S. actually don’t contain any licorice. Instead, they contain anise oil, which has the… Read More »

Hair loss – Symptoms and causes

Overview Hair loss (alopecia) can affect just your scalp or your entire body, and it can be temporary or permanent. It can be the result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or a normal part of aging. Anyone can lose hair on their head, but it’s more common in men. Baldness typically refers to excessive hair loss from… Read More »

How is the time of sunset known?

Have You Ever Wondered… Why does the Sun rise and set at different times each day? What is the shortest day of the year? Is Earth’s axis perpendicular to the plane of its orbit? hat time did the Sun rise this morning? What time will it set this evening? The answers to those questions depend upon where you live and what time… Read More »

What is the chemical in the urine that makes it unclean?

Urine, a typically sterile liquid by-product of the body, is secreted by the kidneys through a process called urination and excreted through the urethra. Urine is often used as a diagnostic feature for many disease conditions. These may b based on either physical or chemical components, that may give insight to processes within the body, often through urinalysis,… Read More »