Category Archives: Entertainment

A Special Writing For Men

That’s so much bullshit. Two of the manliest men on the planet, close friends and authors Jim Harrison and Tom McGuane, have exchanged weekly letters for the past 45 years. You read that correctly – weekly, for the last 45 years. What in the world did they write to one another about? I met McGuane once at a… Read More »

When the Messenger of Allah (saw) Split the Moon

The moon split in two was one of the many miracles attributed to Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). By Allah’s permission, this miracle was performed during a night of the full moon in Mecca when the Prophet was challenged by the disbelievers to prove his prophethood. How did the miracle of the moon splitting occur? The miracle of the splitting of the… Read More »

I am a 47 year old woman

Ahh, the menopause journey. No clear starting or ending point, odd diversions, and an estimated time of arrival that could span years. Menopause is certainly a trip. And needless to say, you could use some turn-by-turn directions. First Point of Interest: Perimenopause   Ready, set, perimenopause. In this phase, your body will start providing helpful physical clues that… Read More »

Today’s post is very important for every man and woman who uses the Internet

Shifting internet demographics: Women have caught up to men online. Younger women and black women outpace their male peers. Older women lag dramatically. The internet was dominated by men in its early days, but by 2000 and continuing on to today, the user population has been evenly divided between men and women. Further, the proportion of women online… Read More »

Guidance In Islam and Human Life

The foremost belief around which all the Islamic concepts revolve is that the whole universe is created and controlled by One, the only One God. He has created man and appointed him as His vicegerent on the earth to fulfil certain objectives through obeying His commands. These commands are not restricted to some modes of worship or so-called… Read More »

Best Information for Women’s About Baby Birth

In spite of technology and medical science’s ability to manage complex health problems, the current maternity care environment has increased risks for healthy women and their babies. It comes as a surprise to most women that standard maternity care does not reflect best scientific evidence. In this column, evidence-based maternity care practices are discussed with an emphasis on… Read More »

Treatment Of Poison with Poison

If the person has no symptoms but has taken a potentially dangerous poison, you should also call a poison control center or go to the nearest emergency department for an evaluation.Poison is anything that kills or injures through its chemical actions.Most poisons are swallowed (ingested). The word poison comes from the Latin word – potare – meaning to drink. But… Read More »

Cigarette , Sheeda and his Wife

Nicotine dependence occurs when you need nicotine and can’t stop using it. Nicotine is the chemical in tobacco that makes it hard to quit. Nicotine produces pleasing effects in your brain, but these effects are temporary. So you reach for another cigarette. The more you smoke, the more nicotine you need to feel good. When you try to… Read More »