Category Archives: Desi Totkay

A twenty-four-year-old boy looks out of a moving train and screams loudly

Self-stimulatory behaviors (also called “stimming”) are things your child does to get extra sensory input when he needs it, such as hand flapping, rocking, biting himself, head-banging, or scratching himself. These behaviors help a child regulate their system and are very important to daily functioning for many children. In general, we don’t want to stop these behaviors since… Read More »

A very useful effort for good training of children

1. Attend Back-to-School Night and Parent-Teacher Conferences Kids do better in school when parents are involved in their academic lives. Attending back-to-school night at the start of the school year is a great way to get to know your child’s teachers and their expectations. School administrators may discuss school-wide programs and policies, too. Attending parent-teacher conferences is another way to stay informed.… Read More »

Does Frankfurt Have 2 Airports

As an expat, it can sometimes feel like you spend half of your time in airports – whether that’s heading back home to visit family and friends, going on business trips or just taking a holiday.  Thankfully, residents of Germany are well-served when it comes to flying: the federal republic is home to more than thirty commercial passenger and cargo airports, most… Read More »

True Happiness

Timileyin Akinkahunsi The struggle to find true happiness is a daily one for many people, and being rich or poor doesn’t really matter. Therefore, in essence, wealth does not guarantee happiness. So what does? In a bid to understand this, Saturday PUNCH asked a cross-section of Nigerians to define happiness and here are their responses: Self love –… Read More »