Can You Increase Breast Size Naturally

By | January 18, 2022

Increasing breast size naturally, while intriguing, is not likely.

In reality, changing the size and shape of your breasts often requires a surgical procedure, such as breast augmentation (aka implants). That’s because the size of your breasts is determined by a combination of genetics, lifestyle, hormones, body weight, and life stages like pregnancy.

That said, you can improve the size, strength, tone, and overall appearance of the pectoral muscles — which lie under your breasts — by performing chest-specific strength training exercises, like the ones listed below.

Here, we go over the ins and outs of breast size, such as what impacts it and how it can change, and share seven exercises you can do at home with weights or at the gym to build stronger, fuller chest muscles.

Is it possible to change breast size naturally?

If breast enhancement surgery is not on your to-do list, you might be wondering whether there are natural ways to change your breast size.

Unfortunately, there are very few things you can do naturally that will increase the overall size of your breasts.

That said, exercising — especially strength training — can change the overall appearance of your chest muscles but will do little to increase your breast or cup size.

Ways to increase breast size