Best wazifa of Surah Al-Kawthar:

By | February 18, 2021

The above given Surah is from the holy book – the Quran and it is the best surah for protection from enemies. Yes, enemies; almost all of us have a few people in our lives, who may hate us or maybe are jealous of us.

This can happen because of a reason and sometimes it is completely unreasonable. You need to protect yourself by using the surah for protection from enemies.

Maybe something happened in the past and you have moved on but your enemy is still waiting for a chance to seek revenge. The surah for protection from enemies can help you in

protecting you from the conspiracies that your enemy has planned for you. If you want to seek protection from Allah SWT against all the difficulties and troubles then the surah for protection from enemies is the best resort for you.

You can protect yourself by this Surah as well as use the Surah Kausar to destroy the enemy. It can be very frustrating to wait for your enemy to make any move against you.

Every day planning your schedule according to your enemy’s plan can be annoying. It’s best to completely finish the chances of an attack by using the Surah Kausar to destroy the enemy,

Yes, the Surah has remarkable powers. It can destroy and finish your enemy.By using the Surah Kausar to destroy the enemy, you will no longer have to protect yourself constantly. Instead, once the enemy is finished by Surah Kausar to destroy the enemy, you can live a peaceful and relaxing life.

Best wazifa of Surah Al-Kawthar: