Best Benefits of Tukh Malanga

By | January 16, 2020

Many of us these days are unaware of the uses, nutritional facts and medicinal value of basil seeds. Whenever you get time, especially in the summer season, ask your grandmother about the importance of this nutrient-rich food, popularly known as tukh malanga.Mix a handful with chilled faluda, limo pani, Rooh Afza or water, and it will surely keep you refreshed, rehydrated and refuelled.

Compiled from Beauty Glimpse, here is a list of six health benefits of basil seeds that we guarantee will attract you towards this long-forgotten food. Adding basil seeds to

your regular diet will help regain all the lost carbohydrates, proteins, fats, sugar, dietary fibres, vitamins and minerals. Tukh malanga regulates your bodily functions and keeps you from a number of ailments.

Scientists have proven that basil seeds have excellent carminative effects because they contain a very high level of insoluble dietary fibres. They serve the purpose of a natural detoxifying agent, which cleanse out the entire gastrointestinal tract efficiently.

Best Benefits of Tukh Malanga