Before Delivery Women must doing this work

By | August 8, 2019

A planner for a sane (and fun!) third trimester: your last hurrah list, smart maternity-leave strategies, and crucial conversations to have with your partner before Birth Day. Think gourmet cooking, pottery, knitting, or even a one-day seminar at a nearby museum or art gallery, whatever you think would be a good time. “A group of us took a belly-dance class when I was eight months pregnant,”

recalls Rachel Galoob-Ortega, of Arlington, Virginia. “I had gained 60 pounds by then, but the moves made me feel really sexy — and they also felt amazing on my lower back.”

Print out photos on card stock that your partner and family have taken of you (and your belly) throughout the pregnancy. Assemble them in chronological order and then staple together in one corner.

(Or create a mini photo book keepsake on When you flip through the pages with your thumb, it will look as if your belly is magically growing. Take that, Pixar!

Before Delivery Women must doing this work